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Festival is active! View participants’ galleries


I'm Michael Duke

Arts Work History

Personal Photographic Work – 2001 to present

2001 – 2004    Various solo exhibitions in Tel Aviv and Holon, Israel
2005 – 2022    Various solo exhibitions in London
2020                Virtual solo exhibition in New Jersey (USA)

Group exhibitions other than for the Hampstead Photographic Society and Isle of Wight Photographic Society include:

2011                07 at the 7 Dials Club in Covent Garden

2016                Royal Academy Summer Exhibition

2019                Florence Biennial of Contemporary Art and Design

2020                Hampstead Arts Council (ended just before Lock-down) at Central St Giles

2021                Florence Biennial of Contemporary Art and Design

2022                FIA Barcelona (Spain)

2024                Skopje Biennial (North Macedonia

Jewish Museum, Camden, London

2010 – 2018    Volunteered as gallery assistant

Hampstead Photographic Society – 2005 to 2023

Apart from just being a member, I have had various roles including programme and publicity secretary and currently External Competitions and Exhibitions Secretary. Also I set up the club’s newsletter which I edited from 2006 to 2019. I currently assist the current editor with notes – and nudges to get the final issue out in a timely manner. I also occasionally assist in the same way the couple who are updating the club history book for a second update which is currently being worked on. The initial book was written for the club’s 75th anniversary in 2012 with an up-date in 2017.

Isle of Wight Photographic Society – 2004 to present

Due to not living close by, I have not taken any role. Occasionally give talks and as active as can be.

Tel Aviv Camera Club, Israel – 2000 to 2004

After starting as just a member, I soon was helping out with publicity and writing up the newsletter.

Photographic Distinctions held

Photographic Society of  America                              QPSA and PPSA
Federation Internationale D’Art Photographique        AFIAP
Global Photographic Union                                        GPU.CR1 and GPU.CR2
Campina Photographic Exhibitions Society               A.CPE, Hon,CPE, MS.CPE (Romania)
Danube International Photo Association                     ADIPA, ADIPA/b and ADIPA/s (Serbia)
Internatinal Association of Art Photographers           J.IAAP, N. IAAP, P.IAAP, A.IAAP
Agile Photographic Society                                        G.APS (Bangladesh)
World Photographic Union                                         BCWPU/1 (Hong Kong)

“Light makes photography. Embrace light. Admire it. Love it. But above all, know light. Know it for all you are worth, and you will know the key to photography.”

-George Eastman-


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