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A Virtual
Photo Festival

push the boundaries of your photography

Building on the success of our three previous GPU Virtual Photo Festivals, we are excited to announce the fourth edition of our virtual gathering!

Every two years, GPU hosts a photo festival in stunning global locations known for their natural beauty and cultural significance. These events offer GPU members a unique opportunity to connect, foster friendships, and showcase their photographic talents. Our most recent in-person festival in 2023 in Kyrgyzstan was a resounding success.

In 2021, to adapt to the global pandemic and promote the work of all our members globally, we launched the GPU Virtual Photo Festival. This innovative platform allowed members to share their latest works and connect virtually.

The results exceeded expectations, with over 35,000 visits, 117,000 page views, and nearly 310,000 user interactions.

Positive feedback from participants highlighted the value of this virtual format.

Inspired by this success, we are proud to present the 4th GPU Virtual Photo Festival.

As with previous editions, this event will provide a platform for GPU members to exhibit their photography. Visitors, both members and non-members alike, can learn about GPU, admire incredible images, gain photographic insights, explore individual photographers and clubs, and be inspired to push the boundaries of their own photography.

Metzakis Manolis

President of GPU


Pillar Of

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