My name is Eva Lambropoulou and I am doctor by profession, with expertise in Surgical Pathology and director of the Surgical Pathology Department of the General Hospital of Messolonghi, Greece.
From an early age, I had an artistic aptitude that firstly expressed in painting. I love black and white and I have participated in many international painting competitions. I have been painting until I began my studies at the Medical School of the University of Patras. My involvement with photography since then was rather sporadic and I have been concerned only with just shooting as a professional photographer processed the film. For the last seven years, and with the use of digital photo editing software, this occupation has become almost daily. My interest is mainly focused on portrait photography as well as on street, still life and nude photography. On March the 7th of 2020, I had my first personal photographic exhibition at Athens FIAP Exhibition Centre.
What is a photograph for me? Many people consider that photography simply captures the reality. According to my opinion, this is absolutely wrong. Garry Winogrand has said: “A photograph is the illusion of a literal description of how the camera ‘saw’ a piece of time and space.” That is what inspires me most: the transformation of the reality with the placement of the volumes, with the dialogue of the substrates, with the metaphorical power of the image.