Festival is active! View participants’ galleries

Festival is active! View participants’ galleries

Anne has specialized in black and white photography since 2007. This forced her to go to the essentials without being “distracted” by color; Parisian Street scenes also called for black and white.

She loves street photography, photojournalism, and landscape photography. She happily combines photography and travel.

Anne has exhibited in many prestigious places including the Festival de La Gacilly, the Grand Palais and the Orangerie du Sénat in the Jardin du Luxembourg, Paris.

In 2017, she opened her Fine Art photography studio in the Port of Saint Goustan in Brittany.

Among her favourite photographers, are Yousuf Karsh for his character portrayal, Sebastiao Salgado for his backlighting, Henri Cartier Bresson for his framing and Ansel Adams for his shades of grey.

Her photographic distinctions include EFIAP, PPSA, BPSA, GPU-Aphrodite, VIP1, Hon CPE

Atmospheric landscapes

This is my ongoing collection on the theme Atmospheric landscapes. It includes photos from England, China, Georgia, and Italy,

“All photographs are accurate. None of them is the truth.”

-Richard Avedon-


Pillar Of

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