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I'm Zhang Bao Guo

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Bao Guo entered into digital photography over 5 years ago.  He received his training in photography from the Nanjing Worker’s Cultural Centre in China and with the Australian Horizon Photographic Club in Sydney.  Bao Guo is an active member of the Jiangsu Photographers Association of China and participated in the provincial and municipal photography competitions in the City of Nanjing.  He has received several merit awards from the Nanjing Provincial photo competition.   His major areas of interest in photography includes sports, travel, street life, people and landscape.

In 2021, Bao Guo has achieved his photographic distinctions of Crown 2 from Global Photographers Union (GPU) in Europe; AAPS from the Australian Photographic Society (APS) in Australia and AICS from ICS of USA.

In the same year, Bao Guo has started to participate in the international photographic competitions.  He has received over 1,000 salon acceptances and won several awards from the PSA.

Bao Guo ZHANG Photo Distinctions



“Photography is an austere and blazing poetry of the real.”

-Ansel Adams-


Pillar Of

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