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I'm Wimal Amaratunge

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Wimal Amaratunge

Age 69 yrs.

Retired from the government service in 2012 after 38 years of service as the Head of Audio Visual & Information Technology unit of the Rubber Research Institute of Sri Lanka the world’s oldest research institute on Rubber.

Social Activities in the field of photography

Founder member of the National Association of Photographers -Sri Lanka (NAPSL) founded in 1980.

Elected and working voluntarily as the Executive Director (President of the Governing Board) of the NAPSL since 2000 up to date.

Also I am rendering my service to the NAPSL as the Head of academic staff of the NAPSL Academy of Image Art.

Appointed an working voluntarily as the,

  • First National Vocational Qualifications (NVQ) Assessor in photography by the Tertiary and Vocational Education Commission (TVEC) of Sri Lanka.
  • Sri Lanka Representative as the country Director of the Federation of Asian Photographic Art (FAPA).
  • Sri Lanka Representative and General Chairman, Cross-Culture Photography Education of the Image Colleague Society (ICS) of USA.
  • Visiting lecturer of the Image Art department of the University of Kelaniya-Sri Lanka.
  • Member of the State Advisory Board for Photography of the Ministry of Cultural Affairs.

Awards and Honors:

  • International Artist (AFIAP) of the International Federation of Photographic Art (FIAP)
  • Excellent Artist (EFIAP) of the International Federation of Photographic Art (FIAP)
  • Honorary Master ( MICS) of the Image Colleague Society International (ICS) of USA.
  • Honorary Fellow ( FNAPSL) of the National Association of Photographers-Sri Lanka.
  • Honorary Fellow ( FISLP) of the Institute of Sri Lankan Photographers (ISLP).
  • Honorary Fellow (Hon. FPSBP) of the Photographic Society of Batu Pahat – Malaysia.
  • Honorary Fellow (Hon. FAPU) of the Asian Photographers Union.
  • Excellence (EUSPA) United States Photographic Alliance
  • Honorary Fellow (Hon. FPPS) Phoenix Photographic Society, Bangladesh.
  • Master (MSAP) of the Sigma Photographic Academy of India.
  • Honorary Fellow (Hon. FPI) of the Persona International, India under the patronage of National Academy of Photography, Kolkata, India.
“Your first 10,000 photographs are your worst.”

-Henri Cartier-Bresson-


Pillar Of

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