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I'm Tapas Kumar Paul

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136 page visits

Myself, TAPAS KUMAR PAUL was born in West Bengal, INDIA, in the year 1973. I am an Electrical Engineer by profession and a Photographer by passion. Started as a self taught photographer and entered into Salon Photography in the year 2016.

Since then I have own 300+ Awards with 5000+ International Acceptances from 96 Countries.

A member of GPU since June 2020.

Awarded EFIAP/S in 2023, GMPSA in November 2021 and GPU CR4 in 2022.

Other Distinctions/ Honors received are GMICS, GM.APS, cMoL, Hon. CPE, ES. CPE, E. NPS, IIG/P2.


“Your first 10,000 photographs are your worst.”

-Henri Cartier-Bresson-


Pillar Of

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