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I'm Roald Synnevåg

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I started taking photographs in 1978 and joined Bekkalokket Photo Club in Bergen, Norway, the same year. After having achieved good results in Bekkalokket’s competitions for many years, in 1987 I started taking part in the national competitions. I am currently ranked as number 3 in the national competitions, which have been held annually since 1930.

I started participating in FIAP approved competitions in 1990 and had my first photo accepted in Latvia that year. I held my first separate exhibition in 2005, and since 2009, I have a permanent exhibition at a public service office in Bergen. My pictures have been accepted/awarded in 106 different countries all over the world, with a total of 1177 different images.

I have been an elected representative for Bekkalokket Photo Club for 40 years. I was one of the founders of Stella Polaris Photogroup in 2014, that is an club for photograpers in Scandinaia.

In 1993, I was elected to be a member of the board in NSFF- Norsk Selskap For Fotografi (Norwegian Society of Photography), and all in all in NSFF I have served 25 years as representative, so far 18 years as secretary, 4 years as vice-president and 7 years as president. In addition, I have been NSFF’s web editor for 7 years, and I have been in charge of collecting historical materials and scanning/editing our photo collection of approximately 12.000 photos from 1930­ to 2005.

In 2007 I was appointed as honorary member of NSFF, and in 2012 In 2007 I was appointed an honorary president of NSFF. In 2015 I was one of the founders in the Nordic Society of Photography, and have been secretrary there since then. From 2015 to 2018 I was engaged in FIAP Federation International De L`art Photographique as Director of FIAP Magazine Service. From 2018 engaged as PSA Liaison Officer and Membership director in Photographic Society of America 2018-2020. From 2022 board member of Pictorial Print Division in PSA. In 2017 chairman for 27. FIAP Color Biennial , and in 2023 chairman for 41st FIAP Youth Biennial

I am now secretary in NSFF- Norsk Selskap For Fotografi (Norwegian Society of Photography), secretary in NFFF – Nordic Society of Photography. I am also chairman for Fjord-Bergen Exhibition of Photographic Art

Photo distinctions: MFIAP, EFIAP/d3, EsFIAP, GMPSA, GPSA, APSA, GPU Hermes, GPU Crown 4

“Your first 10,000 photographs are your worst.”

-Henri Cartier-Bresson-


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