MIRCEA ALBU, Cluj-Napoca Romania
Born in 4 spetember 1943, Aiud, Alba Romania
Lives in Cluj-Napoca, Romania
University Photoclub Cluj-Napoca 1969, President 1969-2006
Instant Photoclub Cluj-Napoca 1987-2001
ArtImage Association Cluj-Napoca, 2006, President 2006-2022
Napoca Photoclub Cluj-Napoca, 1987-1989 and 2003-2006
Coordinator of the Technical Photography Laboratory of the Cluj-Napoca Polytechnic Institute 1976-1986
Distinction: Honorary member of the Photoclub „University” Cluj-Napoca(1972)
Honorary member of the Photoclub “Marx Josef” Tg. Mures (1974)
Honorary member of the “Hercules” Festival (1978, 1986)
Honorary member of the Photoclub “Mihai Dan Călinescu” Craiova (2013)
Honorary diploma : University Center Brașov (1983)
University Center Cluj-Napoca (1986)
Knight of the order “Dacia Felix” Brașov (2008)
Nominated in Minolta Mirror 1991
Nominated in Who is Who România ( p.35) 2010, 2011
Excellency AAFR (2011)
Personal exhibitions: 57, 8 at the Art Museum Cluj-Napoca
Books and albums:
2003 Impression…photographic ( Impresii…fotografice)
2008 Sign in wood (Semne în lemne) – 2 edition
2013 Photography, from impressions to expression (Fotografia, de la impresie le expresie)
2018 Returns, 2 volum foto album ( Restituiri, album foto 2 volume)
2021 “Children’s” steaming stories (Povești de aburit “copiii”), phopts in lyrics.
2022 “Ephemeral faces “ (Chipuri efemere”)