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I'm Mauro Guerrini

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Born and raised in Siena (Tuscany). I started photography in 1974at the local School of Art. Later I began some personal and group researches (Lega Fotografica dell’Arci , SienaFotoClub, actually also FIAF and GPU) about local folk festivals such as the Palio di Siena or almost disappeared fairs, studies about art, architecture, anthropology, archaeology, sport (very fond of athletics).

A special attention was given to the rural traditions of my mother land, expecially to those that are quickly disappearing and two exhibits were dedicated to my work. Furthermore I like portraiture and glamour.

My analogue beginning allowed me to focus and specialize in slides and B&W printing I loved to make on my own. Since 2005 I mostly work digital+post production giving anyhow more importance to shooting.

“Light makes photography. Embrace light. Admire it. Love it. But above all, know light. Know it for all you are worth, and you will know the key to photography.”

-George Eastman-


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