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I'm Kaouche Mohamed

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With a rather atypical background, Mohamed Kaouche was immersed in the art of photography at a young age. With a camera given to him by his mother at the age of five, he immortalized family moments as well as anything and everything.

The influence of old magazines such as Life, Paris Match and National Geographic stored in a shed in his father’s bookstore in the lower Casbah somewhat titillated his curiosity and later his desire to pursue a career as a reporter.

He started to study marketing while he was supposed to study Egyptology in Paris, but he gave up for various reasons. Two years later, in 2003, he decided to earn his living exclusively from photography, multiplying the freelance jobs until he joined the official press agency APS. He left the agency in 2009 to join the staff of a newspaper for a short period of time in 2010, and returned to freelance work, collaborating with magazine publications and Corbis Images until its closure,

Self-taught, he is also versatile, he is not satisfied with making news photos, he also makes advertising photos, photos set and studio.

He accumulated exhibitions and invitations to fairs in different regions of the globe, he exhibited twice at the United Nations headquarters in New York at the University of Berkeley in Washington, as well as some prizes on the international level (1st and 2nd prize at the Guelma Algerie photo fair, 1st prize UAP, and 1st prize PSA SHarijah Enirates, Honorary Prize in Siena ….

His greatest inspiration is the works of the great orientalist masters, their mastery of contrasts, light and colour.

A painting by Eugene Delacroix is a perfect picture”.



  • Honorable mention salon CCP Section ‘’ Sport’’ at the7th Odessos Photo Exhibition 2023, Bulgaria
  • IAAP Diploma Section ‘’ Photojournalisme’’ at Photo Perspective Salon 2023, Bosnie Herzégovine
  • NPS EHM Section ‘’Portrait’’ au Vuni Salon Circuit 2023, Nicosia Chypre
  • 1t award section ‘’Sheikh Saoud Al Thani Single image Award‘’ au The Tasweer photo festival, Doha Qatar
  • IAAP Ribbon section ‘’Sport Photo’’ at Salon PLAY 2023, North Macedoine
  • International Diploma section ‘’Woman portrait’’ at Salon PLAY 2023, North macedonia
  • IAAP Ribbon ‘section ‘’photojournalism’’ at the 1st international Vesta salon 2023, Montenegro
  • PSA Honorable Motion section ‘’photojournalism’’ au Motion Salon 2023 en North macedonia
  • International Diploma section ‘’Woman portrait’’ au Motion Salon 2023 en North macedonia
  • Salon Silver Medal section ‘’photojournalism ‘’ au SAVA salon Bosnie Herzégovine 2023
  • FIAP Blue Ribbon section photojournalism au Bth Lion City international Salon, Singapour 2023
  • MOL Gold Medal section photojournalism au salon Reflex 2023, Bar Montenegro
  • Première place du mérite thème ‘’ Portrait ‘’, 2023 photojournalism ‘individual‘ competition Canada
  • Prix honorifique, salon international de photographie Manas Kyrgyzstan 2022
  • Remarkable artwork, SIPA Sienne Italie 2019
  • 1st place of the photographie democracy photo challenge USA 2009
  • 1er Award of photographic  salon de Guelma 2011 section B&W.
  • 2éme de la photographie du salon SAMSUNG 2011 section portrait
  • 1er prix de la photographie de presse au monde arabe UAP 2012 DUBAI
  • 1er prix de la photographie de presse pour the photography society of america 2012
  • 3éme prix de la photographie professionnel 2012 Royaume Unis
  • Mention d’honneur UAP pour la photographie du monde arabe Dubai 2014
  • Lawahat d’or et d’argent pour différentes compagne publicitaires ( Djezzy , Oorredoo , Bimbies ) entre 2012 a aujourd’hui



  • Marsh 2023 Collective Exposition ‘’Sheikh Saoud Al Thani Single image Award‘’ au The Tasweer photo festival, Doha Qatar
  • Februay 2023 Collective Exposition au salon international de la photographie    Xposure, Dubai AEU
  • December 2022 Collective Exposition au salon international de la photographie de Manas, Kyrgyzstan 2022
  • October 2022 1st salon arabe de la photographie de Amman, Jordanie 2022
  • October 2019 Collective Exposition au salon international de la photographie Sienne Italie
  • Novenber 2013 Solo Exposition pour le haut conseil italien pour les refugies AlgIers, Algeria
  • December 2012 Collective Exposition au 2e salon national de la photographie de Laghouat, Algeria
  • Novenber 2012 Collective Exposition au 2e salon international de l’Union des Photographes Arabe Sharijah, AEU
  • April 2012 Collective Exposition au 1e salon national de la photographie de Samsung Alger, Algeria
  • October 2011 Collective Exposition du 13e salon international de la photographie ‘’ Sept Off ‘’ Nice, France
  • September 2011 Collective Exposition du 3e salon international de la photographie contemporaine of Algiers,
  • June 2011 Collective Exposition au 2e photographic contemporaine of Guelma,
  • salon de la April 2011 Collective Exposition ‘’ 1969-2009 the PANAF in Algiers ‘’ Université de Columbia, Washington,
  • Februay 2011 Collective Exposition ‘’ Beauty ‘’ au sommet de l’union africaine a Addis Abeba,
  • December 2011 Collective Exposition ‘’ Democracy photo challenge ‘’ au siège des nations unis a New York, Université de Columbia, Washington, Université de Berkley Californie, USA.
  • September 2005 Solo Exposition ‘’ Nuit contre l’oubli ‘’Paris, Franc



“Photography is an austere and blazing poetry of the real.”

-Ansel Adams-


Pillar Of

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