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I'm Florentino Molero

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Florentino Molero is a Spanish self-taught conceptual photographer. As a photographer, he is interested in specific subjects with absolute preference for author and creative photography. Florentino preferably moves as a photographer in the field of creativity. He prefers to create photographic works inspired by everyday reality, combined with his own imagination. He strives to carefully compose photographic compositions of realistic scenes in unreal and sometimes magical spheres.

He has received the distinctions of:

  • Great Mast er by The photography Society of America (GMPSA)
  • Bronze Excellence for the International Federation of Photographic Art (EFIAP/b)
  • Crow 4 by the Global Photografhic Union (GPU CR4)
  • VIP-5 by the Global Photografhic Union (GPU VIP5)
  • Grand Master for Agile Photography Society , Bangladesh. (GM.APS)
  • Master by the Spanish Confederation of Photography (MCEF)
  • Master by Serendib Society of Photographers , Sri Lanka (M.SSP)
  • Recognized by the Association of Photographers, Georgia (R.APG)
  • Excellence by the Andalusian Federation of Photography (EFAF)
  • Excellence by the Federation of Indian Photography (EFIP)
  • Excellence by Green Go Club (EGGC)
  • Excellence by Nicosia Photographic Society , Cyprus (E.NPS)
  • Gold Exhibitor by The Asia Photographers Union (GAPU)
  • c** MoL , by Master of Light
  • R-ISF1 , R-ISF4 and R-ISF10 by Image Sans Frionteri
  • ED-ISF , EH-ISF and ER-ISF by Image Sans Frionteri
  • Honorary for Campina photography Exhibitions Society , Romania (HON. CPE)

In recent years, with 1,303 Works, he obtained more than 8,000 acceptances and 1,000 prizes in international salons in 90 countries .

Silver medal for best black and white photo at PSA in 2021

His work – has been published in photography magazines and books, calendars, television, Florentino is also frequently invited as a judge

“Your first 10,000 photographs are your worst.”

-Henri Cartier-Bresson-


Pillar Of

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