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I'm Daniel De Cort

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115 page visits

Born in Leuven (Louvain, Belgium) in 1949

Artistic mentor of Foto Gamma Leuven (B), Bachelor in art photography, Member of GPU( UPI) sinds 2008,  Aphrodite, Hermes, Cr2, QPSA, Hon PESGSPC; Hon CPE

Participation at many photographic exhibitions worldwide

  • UPI members photo exhibition at 8th Malmö internat. Exhibition of photographic art, 2008.
  • Selected for the CIPB Biennial 2010, Jinan Shandong university of Art and Design, China
  • UPI members photo exhibition, Argentina 2011
  • Best of photographers of the world, 3th internat. photo event, TAMA and PESGSPC, HonPESGSPC, Cyprus 2011
  • Selected for the CIPB Biennial 2012, Jinan Shandong university of Art and Design, China
  • Selected for The Camel Bell on Silk Road, Inner Mongolia, China 2018
  • “Exposures 2018”, anniversary exhibition in ’s-Hertogenbosch, Netherlands.
  • International Photo Festival, Tunisia 2019
  • The street’s (y)ours, group exhibition streetphotography
  • Frequent participation at the annual joint exhibitions of Foto Gamma Atelier Leuven(B) and Zinkae Gent (B).

Art statement:

On my walks through cities my eyes are drawn to trivial, commonplace situations or to remnants of human activities leaving traces in the urban landscape.

“We only see what we look at. To look is an act of choice”
John Berger

Some of these are temporary like a shadow, a puddle or an unaware person. These are my “decisive moments”. Others lead their own life and in their triviality become a kind of work of art . Objects get another function or become a sculpture. There is tension between the figurative and the abstract, styling and realism.

I search for beauty in ordinary places and I like to put some humor and ironie in my work.

“All photographs are accurate. None of them is the truth.”

-Richard Avedon-


Pillar Of

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