I was born in Heraklion, Crete. I am married and father of a son. I have studied Civil Engineering and I am in the construction industry.
I started art photography in 1978, when I was still a student. At first I worked with black and white, color photography (darkroom) and slide, and since 2005 I has been working with the shooting and processing of digital photography.
I am a member of the Greek Photographic Society of Crete, of PSA (Photographic Society of America), of FIAP (Federation International de l’ Art Photographique) and of GPU(UPI) (Global Photographic Union).
Since 2010 I have been participating in international and panhellenic competitions and exhibitions of art photography.
So far, for my long and continuous distinctive participation in international art photography competitions, I have been awarded with:
- The title of GRAND MASTER Photographer (GMPSA) by PSA (Photographic Society of America) and the title of (BPSA) after I submitted a photographic collection.
- The title of Excellence Photographer, Diamond 1 level (EFIAP/d1) by the International Federation of Art Photography (Federation International de l’ Art Photographique).
- The title of ZEUS by GPU (Global Photographic Union) after I submitted a photographic collection of 50 different photographs, which was evaluated and I was ranked on level CROWN 4 for his success in international exhibitions.
- The title of GOLD exhibitor by Asia Photographers Union (GAPU).
- The title of (APS) Artisan by Agile Photographic Society, Bangladesh.
As an instructor I have presented various subjects on photography (High Speed Photography, Perspective in Photography and Composition of Image, Painting and Photography, Zone System)
I also train new photographers by introducing them to creative art photography.
I have also been invited as a judge in international photographic competitions.